Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Gospel Piano v1.03

Shared from on July 30, 2014

Gospel Piano Lessons:

If you are looking for great gospel piano lessons, hopefully this page can help you to find what you're looking for. Here's what I've learned I need to play gospel and where to find great gospel lessons.

Playing gospel requires a number of things. And there are a number of things that will really help you if you know them.

I'll let you know what they are but first let me tell you that I'm going to end up recommending a gospel piano course called Learn To Play Gospel Piano. (It's the best thing I've seen to learn how to play gospel.)
What You Should Know To Play Gospel: 
In order to play gospel, you need to learn chords. Chords are what you'll be reading, creating around, listening for, etc. For gospel, you need to know more than the major and minor chords.There's a lot of free information on this site about chords. It's a good basis for many types of piano - especially gospel. You can click here to go the gospel chords section.After you learn chords, you need to learn a bit about filling in the chords. This means playing extra notes besides the chords. Some sound good and some don't.If you've heard of riffs, learning how to make them will take you a long way and have everyone thinking you're an amazing player.

Things That Will Help You To Know: 

If you can learn to play chords (at least a little) by ear, it is a definite benefit. When someone in your band or the pastor wants to play a song you don't have the music for on hand, it's really handy to just play what you need to play.
Playing by ear is a fantastic skill to have!One more thing is bass lines. Playing a good bass lines will really fill out the music you make.The rest comes with practice and experimentation. You need to find your own sound and style. If you play a little, you already have the beginnings of your own sound. Practice will bring if out more.It's not easy to find a gospel piano lessons teacher. The best thing to do if you want a private teacher is try to someone who plays gospel really well. Then, ask them if they'll teach you.If you're open to learning online, the best gospel course I've found is offered by Hear and Play. They really emphasize playing by ear and chords and are very well organized in their teaching structure.They have a number of different levels. If you're a beginner or trying to improve your style, check out Learn To Play Gospel Piano.
Not a beginner? Need something more advanced?
Then take a look at these:
Happy Playing!

Return from Gospel Piano Lessons to Piano Lessons Info Homepage.

Chart of Piano Chords

Chart of Piano Chords - C and C#: 
Key: C
C = C E G
Cm = C Eb G
C7 = C E G Bb
CM7 = C E G B
Cm7 = C Eb G Bb
Csus = C F G
Csus7 = C F G Bb
C6 = C E G A
C2 = C D E G

Key: C#
C#= C# E# G#
C#m = C# E G#
C#7 = C# E# G# B
C#M7 = C# E# G# B#
C#m7 = C# E G# B
C#sus = C#F#G#
C#sus7 = C# F# G# B
C#6 = C# E# G# A#
C#2 = C# D# E# G#
Chart of Piano Chords - Db and D:
Key: Db
Db: Db F Ab
Dbm: Db Fb Ab
Db7: Db F Ab Cb
DbM7: Db F Ab C
Dbm7: Db Fb Ab Cb
Dbsus: Db Gb Ab
Dbsus7: Db Gb Ab Cb
Db6: Db F Ab Bb
Db2: Db Eb F Ab
Key: D
D: D F# A
Dm: D F A
D7 : D F# A C
DM7: D F# A C#
Dm7: D F A C
Dsus: D G A
Dsus7: D G A C
D6: D F# A B
D2: D E F# A

Chart of Piano Chords - Eb and E:
Key: Eb
Eb = Eb G Bb
Ebm = Eb Gb Bb
Eb7 = Eb G Bb Db
EbM7 = Eb G Bb D
Ebm7 = Eb Gb Bb Db
Ebsus = Eb Ab Bb
Ebsus7 = Eb Ab Bb Db
Eb6 = Eb G Bb C
Eb2 = Eb F G Bb
Key: E
E = E G# B
Em = E G B
E7 = E G# B D
EM7 = E G# B D#
Em7 = E G B D
Esus = E A B
Esus7 = E A B D
E6 = E G# B C#
E2 = E F# G# B

Chart of Piano Chords - F and F#:
Key: F F = F A C
Fm = F Ab C
F7 = F A C Eb
FM7 = F A C E
Fm7 = F Ab C Eb
Fsus = F Bb C
Fsus7 = F Bb C Eb
F6 = F A C D
F2 = F G A C
Key: F#
F# = F# A# C#
F#m = F# A C#
F#7 = F# A# C# E
F#M7 = F# A# C# E#
F#m7 = F# A C# E
F#sus = F# B C#
F#sus7 = F# B C# E
F#6 = F# A# C# D#
F#2 = F# G# A# C#

Chart of Piano Chords - G, Ab and A:
Key: G
G = G B D
Gm = G Bb D
G7 = G B D F
GM7 = G B D F#
Gm7 = G Bb D F
Gsus = G C D
Gsus7 = G C D F
G6 = G B D E
G2 = G A B D
Key: Ab
Ab = Ab C Eb
Abm = Ab Cb Eb
Ab7 = Ab C Eb Gb
AbM7 = Ab C Eb G
Abm7 = Ab Cb Eb Gb
Absus = Ab Db Eb
Absus7 = Ab Db Eb Gb
Ab6 = Ab C Eb F
Ab2 = Ab Bb C Eb

Key: A
A = A C# E
Am = A C E
A7 = A C# E G
AM7 = A C# E G#
Am7 = A C E G
Asus = A D E
Asus7 = A D E G
A6 = A C# E F#
A2 = A B C# E

Chart of Piano Chords - Bb and B:

Key: Bb
Bb = Bb D F
Bbm = Bb Db F
Bb7 = Bb D F Ab
BbM7 = Bb D F A
Bbm7 = Bb Db F Ab
Bbsus = Bb Eb F
Bbsus7 = Bb Eb F Ab
Bb6 = Bb D F G
Bb2 = Bb C D F
Key: B
B = B D# F#
Bm = B D F#
B7 = B D# F# A
BM7 = B D# F# A#
Bm7 = B D F# A
Bsus = B E F#
Bsus7 = B E F# A
B6 = B D# F# G#
B2 = B C# D# F#

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

Intro - Signature lick L.H. = E1, B1R.H. = B3,B, B, A G# F# F# F# G# A B

E    A/E      E
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
E     E/G#    A    E
I once was lost but now I'm found
B/E     E
Was blind but now I see

E/G#   A    E/G#
My chains are gone I've been set free
A/C#                                E/B
My God my Savior has ransomed me
E/G#     A                E/G#
And like a flood His mercy reigns
F#m7     B7              E
Unending love amazing grace

Dummy instructions:
1) start with R.H. inversion of E chord (G#-B-E) with L.H. E0 & E1 in the base
2) next is R.H. A/E, standard A major root chord (A-C#-E) with L.H. E0 & E1 in the base
3) next is B/E, use inversion of B maj (F#-B-D#)
4) next is E/G# (G#1-G#2-B-E)

YouTube Tutorial

Piano Chords: major, minor, aug & dim v1.04

Some of the basic chords you need to know are:

Major Chord Theory -
Playing Major Chords on the Piano

On this page you are going to learn some chord theory. The chord that is been featured is the “Major Chord”.

In most cases, the first sets of chords that are introduced to beginner piano players are major chords. This is so because all the other chords such as minor, diminished and augmented are related to major chords and can be created from them. However, it is important to note that chords are used mostly for accompaniment and so they are most effective when a specific melody exist.

So what are major chords?

These are chords that are formed using the 1st, 3rd and 5th notes of a major scale. 
Here is an illustration that will help.

Minor Chords : 
Basic Piano Chords for Beginners

A minor triad can be formed using the same principle as of a major chord. However the degrees of notes use are some what different. Minor chords have a minor or flatted third while major chords have major thirds.

For example - The letters of the C major triad are C, E, and G; while the letters of C minor triad or chord are C, E-flat and G. Remember “E” would be the third note in the C major scale. When E is changed to E-flat, the entire tonality of the chord changes to minor.

Look at the illustration below for more information. 

Augmented Chord: Basic Chord 
An augmented chord may not be as popular as a major or minor chord. However, it is among the group of basic piano chords that all piano players should know. As you set out on your mission in becoming a great piano player it is compulsory that you study the concept that applies to the augmented triad.
Remember, the word “triad” can be used for chords with three notes, and so, you will see the term augmented triad in some books or on some website.

What is an augmented triad or chord?
An augmented chord is a triad with a raised or augmented fifth. In other words, when the fifth note of a major scale is raised or sharpens then that note is considered to be an augmented fifth. This can apply to other notes in the scale.

Diminished chord theory
The diminished chord is considered to be one of the most unstable chords in music. This means that when it is played it creates tension that demands an onward movement to a stable chord such as a major or minor triad. 
Even though a diminished triad or chord may sound unusual, it plays a very important role in music and is used more frequently as a passing chord or tone. 
Diminished triads or chords are used more often in Jazz and Gospel music. So I would suggest that you start listening to some jazz or gospel music and incorporate them in your practice sessions. 

A diminished triad is easy to form and it is also easy to play on the piano. When forming a diminished triad, all you have to do is to flatten the 2nd and 3rd note of a major chord. For example – the F major chord is played as F, A, C. When the A and C notes are flattened leaving F in its original position, what is been created is the F diminished triad.

You should notice that C flat is the same as B since a flat lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone.

Monday, July 28, 2014


6 Ways to Earn PSH Credits

PSH = Practice Study Hour Logged in MJ or mblog

1. Practice Sessions . Earn 1 PSH credit for 4 “15 minute of focused piano practices”
(Aim for a minimum 1 PSH each week). Keep tract of practice times in your music journal or try a mblog (start a blog just for keeping tract of your practice hours) Take notes specifically of your piano practice times, be sure to be specific about what you practiced, certain sections practiced of which song did you play?  Incorporate regular practice times into your schedule.
Piano playing is now a part of you life. Only you decides how much time to commit to practicing.
Just know that it takes a lot of practice, but the more you do it, the better it gets.

2. Earn ½ a PSH credit for 30 minute lessons and ½ PSH credit for finishing homework

3. Watch Piano YouTube videos-  Write down in your music journal what YouTube “how to” piano tutorials on current subject matter  that you watched. PSH = time spend watching videos

4. Listening to your favorite classical pieces.  This is the easiest most fun way to earn PSH, Just note composer +  song,  plus a few other details about  what you noticed  in your mblog or journal to earn credit PSH Credit. Studying any piano sheet music  song while listening to in professionally played.

5. Earn PSH time by surfing the web, check out any piano website.
PSH Credit earned = time spent studying piano related website.

6. Coloring in Your Own Music- artistic and practical “Your “Music in Color -  enter your best into the School Contest. Every students grades each other artistic musical color creations online at our school website.


dwcoon's classical piano mblog

Q: What is a mblog?

A: A mblog is a type of music learning journal, log, record book, progress tracker, PSH log and more...

This is where I will log my weekly piano practice hours, songs practiced, measured working on, details and other notes about current piano practice.

Record what you are learning in your music journal, write down your goals, deadlines and recitals date. Hand writing notes and keeping track of your learning progress is a fundamental part of the learning process. Also establishing a regular practice routine is critical to incorporating piano practice and playing into your life. Practicing in 15 minute focused sessions is a good start for most new musicians. 
 PSQ (practice study quarter) = 15 minutes of Focused Regular Scheduled and Logged Practice Time. 

        4 PSQ = 1 PSH Credit

Music Journal (MJ)

Hand write entries into a notebook, recording learning progress, reviewing lessons learned, and to formally log your PSH Credits. 

Record your practice study hours
Keep tract of what songs you are working on, noting specific measures you are working on. 

All  PSH must be logged in MJ to get earn PSH Credit. 100 TCPSH needed to graduate.

Your MJ will be initially inspected at Midterm (lesson 5) and Final Inspection at Lesson 10, when all official PSH Credits are recorded in final report card.

mblog (music blog, blog = web log)

Welcome to the future of global knowledge sharing, largely for free. A remarkable global community of musicians and bloggers actively networking and helping each other, and learning loads of great knowledge from each other in the process. Journal as you would in a hand written music journal and post your learning experiences on your mblog.  Pass on the best tips and advice that you know.

Join in the discussion, learn & contribute
The New Music Revolution has began ;)

Learn from your peers and from the pros. Learning; anything, anytime you want.

this mblog created on July 28, 2014 after more than 6 years of piano playing 

back PSH will be logged soon...